Activity Designer allows activity creators or "Owner" to assign a "Co-owner" to their activity. Co-owners will have all of the same editing and publishing abilities as the activity creator.

Co-Owners are added to an activity by clicking the "People" icon next to the activity owner (creator) name.

A pop-up box will display allowing the activity owner to select another user with Faculty privileges associated with their institution(s). A check mark next to the name indicates the user is selected as a co-owner. Remove a user as a co-owner by clicking the red X next to their name under the selections side of the box.

NOTE: If a co-owner publishes an activity to "Owner", the activity will no longer be available to the other owners. If you are looking for an activity and no longer see it on the saved or published activities list, contact the other co-owners to see if it might have been published to "Owned".

NOTE: When a co-owner makes a copy of an activity, the copy will be an "original" activity and the co-owner will become the activity creator / owner of the copy.