The ACR select question can be created using the New Case Wizard (NCW) or from the Cortex Advanced Edit area.

To add an ACR Select question using NCW, select the new question option from the Script page.

Select the ACR Select question type.  Additional options will display to select the format for the ACR Select question.

Add the ACR Select question scenario. The scenario describes the parameters that will be used to select the exam in ACR Select and must include the age and gender. An example scenario would be "A 30 yr old male presented to the ER with a choking sensation and difficulty swallowing". If a scenario is already entered as a text item for the case, the scenario can be imported using the Import ACR Select Text Item button otherwise add the scenario where indicated.

Click the Search ACR Select button.  ACR Select will open in a new tab. Enter the scenario parameters to display the decision table with the list of possible exams. Using the "select this exam" link, pick the most appropriate exam for the scenario.

Complete the order pop-up will display. Click the Accept button.

The Order Confirmation box will display with the decision support number (DSN) highlighted.

Copy the DSN (CNTRL C) and paste or type the DSN into the DNS field of the question.  Add the question stem and Save to create the question.

Now you have the option of selecting the type of question you would like to create. You can choose out of the following:

  • Multiple Choice
  • Check all that apply
  • True false

Add the choice options and explanations, being sure to select the choice that is the correct answer response. Use [Save Add Choice] to add more choices or [Save] to save and exit the question edit.

The question is now created and added to the case script. After saving the question and choices, to edit an item, select the pencil next to the item. To add additional choices, click the green plus + located bottom left.